EO Appointed

The Arts Mildura Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Stedman Watts to the role of Executive Officer after a competitive hiring process. Stedman had been acting as Interim Director since January.

Born and raised in Mildura, growing up on a citrus farm in Colignan on the banks of the Murray river. After finishing high school in Red Cliffs, he left the district, living across multiple cities, growing a visual art practice. Stedman worked for many years in skills Research Integrity and Ethics at the Australian National University and has been heavily involved in the not-for-profit sector for many years.

Having returned to Mildura with his young family, Stedman has enjoyed the warm, welcoming nature of the community shining through each new connection made. As EO of Arts Mildura and his Co Chair of the Collective Governance Group, he has fallen in love again with the diverse and amazing community of the Mallee. Stedman looks forward to listening to and understanding the diverse experiences of people in our community, bringing curiosity and passion to contribute to community-led change, and giving everyone the same support and opportunities in life. 


Change Fest


Elder of the Year