Future Reset

Future Reset is centered around enhancing mental wellbeing and social connection through art, creativity and culture, with young people leading the charge. Arts Mildura aims to foster a vibrant connected community. We’ll deliver a program in school, afterschool, holiday and weekend programs for young people in visual arts, dance, creative writing, digital media and music. 

These include

  • First Nations hip hop and music video making program (song writing, recording and filmmaking) culminating in an under-age block party  

  • A program exploring the written word as self-expression with professional authors in 3 x secondary schools (Mildura and Robinvale)  

  • After-school dance program with local dance school for primary and secondary school students (Mildura)  

  • Mural project in Mildura CBD   

  • After-school Visual Arts program with Mildura Rural City Council Youth Services culminating in an exhibition and art prize event  

  • Open Mic event series of 6 events including spoken word, music and dance  

  • Weekly Music program for 5-18 year olds culminating in Mildura Eisteddfod and performance in Sunraysia Multicultural Festival  

  • Arts Mildura Shorts – Arts “taster” workshops during school holidays for 5-18 year olds (transport provided)  

  • Writing is Art - Exploring writing as an art form for young people

  • Drama workshop program culminating in a performance showcase at Arts Mildura.